The Friends of the Boyden Library is a non-profit foundation providing support and enrichment to the Boyden Library and the Foxborough community. The Friends group meet the first Wednesday of the month (except July, August and December) at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room at the library.

For more information, email us at

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Current Newsletter

Friends Sponsored:


The following are just a few of the things your membership dues enable The Friends of Boyden Library Foundation to provide and support:
  • Free seasonal, educational and entertaining programs for children, young adults and adults
  • Semi-annual book sales
  • The annual Teddy Bear picnic on the Common and Founders Day mini-book-sale booth
  • Discount museum and zoo passes
  • Purchase of new best sellers for the library rental program

You make all this happen with your membership dues. Membership runs January to December. Tax acknowledgement letters will be sent for memberships or donations of $50 or more

You can join or renew you membership 3 ways:
  • Online: Click on the Paypal link below
  • By Mail: Friends Membership Form 
    Print it and mail it along with your check to:
    Friends of Boyden Library Foundation
    10 Bird Street
    Foxborough, MA 02035
  • In Person: Come in and see us



