Kids Databases



BookFlix - 
A Truly Unique Paired Fiction and Nonfiction eBook Library for PreK-3 Kids


 - Educator-Created and Expert-Vetted Teaching Materials. Unlimited online access to the best classroom-tested printables.


 - It’s unlimited and it’s FREE for you to use from home! TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of e-books for children. They are a great way to encourage tech-savvy kids to enjoy reading!

Education Station

Education Station - Ready-to-use, hands-on activities for kids to do at home or at school.

Statewide Databases for Children

Britannica Kids

Britannica Kids - From Britannica, an online encyclopedia resource for kids in grades K-12 with safe, fact-checked, age-appropriate content for homework help and learning.


- Discover the go-to curriculum-connected research tool specifically for elementary school educators and students.

Gale In Context Elementary

Elementary (Gale in Context)
-  This kid-friendly database provides young learners with one place to search for answers and explore their interests—inside and outside of the classroom.