Teens Ghost Hunt with Noah Faraday & Suzanne Roberts, Library After Hours, Grades 7-12

Teens! Ever wonder if your local library is haunted?

Paranormal Investigators Noah Faraday & Suzanne Roberts will lead a ghost hunt at the Boyden Library.

Come with your eyes, ears, and ghostly senses ready!

This is an after hours event that will begin at 6:00PM.  Meet your ghost hunt leaders at the main ground floor entrance of the library.

This event is for ages 11-18 or Grades 7-12 only.
Parents may drop their kids off then pick them up at 8:00PM.

This program is sponsored by the Friends of Boyden Library and part of our Community Reads series which includes the book The Cliffs by J. Courtney Sullivan.

Questions: jhuston@sailsinc.org

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